SC1101E - Making Sense of Society Review

Taken in: AY20/21 Semester 1

Lecturer: George Baylon Radics

Tutor: Tan Chun Yin


  • 10% Tutorial attendance and participation
  • 15% Tutorial quizzes (x3)
  • 35% Written assignment: Sociological Imagination and Identity (3.5k words)
  • 40% Take home essays (1k words x4)

Took this in my first semester of university because at that time I had thought I was going to have sociology as my second major. Came out knowing I was not going to, but nonetheless I still enjoyed this mod very much. Prof Radics is a fantastic lecturer and puts in a lot of effort in his teaching, making short clips to preface each new week as well as pre-recorded lectures which are kept short and interesting, only having live Q&A sessions meant for students who had questions after watching them. 

Despite this, I would say I honestly don't think I learnt much from this module as most information seemed like common sense to me. Because the mod is an exposure mod, it tries to cover as much breadth as possible and therefore came off as extremely fluffy, having not delved into any particular topic deeply at all. 

My tutor, Chun Yin gave quite a bit of work to do every tutorial - I would spend an hour or two preparing for every tutorial whilst other friends of mine who were taking this mod with me but under the other two tutors had absolutely no work to do beforehand. In spite of this, I did not particularly mind the workload since I was in Y1S1 and had a lot of time on my hands anyway LOL. This preparation work Chun Yin gave us to do also ended up being helpful for the take-home essays at the end of the semester as I was already familiar with all the concepts tested and thus did not need to spend additional time trying to understand what the questions were asking. Chun Yin was also a really friendly tutor -- I enjoyed her classes very much and each tutorial was often very lively, with people speaking up to discuss about different ideas. I was quite nervous for the written assignment as it was the first ~proper university essay~ I was writing and she really clarified my doubts during my consultation with her and guided me into the right direction. 

Would definitely recommend taking if you're interested in studying about ~society~ or just want a fluffy reeeeelatively easy and interesting mod LOL. Definitely doable if you put in effort for the assignments and start early. Also, try to get Chun Yin as your tutor! Other friends of mine didn't enjoy the mod as much as I did because our experiences in tutorials differed quite vastly. 

Expected grade: A-

Actual grade: A

Reviewed by: M


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