
Showing posts from May, 2021

TS2243 - Film Genres: Stars and Styles Review

TS2243 Taken in: AY20/21 Semester 2 Lecturer: Prof Edna Lim Grading: 20% - Attendance and Participation Group Project Presentation - 10% (Individual Portion) Group Project Presentation - 30% (Group Grade) 20% - Midterm Test 20% - Final Test Note: Lessons were conducted online. I took this module to clear more modules from the film studies basket. I didn't really enjoy this module, honestly, even though the content was interesting. I don't know if I want to pursue film studies anymore actually LOL. This module is mainly about how genres are defined, how they are formed and built upon, and a little about stars and how they play a part in building a genre. Genres were also compared between different cinemas (such as East vs West) I'll start with my gripes: The majority of content is through pre-recorded Prezi and Sway presentations that were made YEARS ago (I think the Prof said she wanted to update them, but it didn't happen t

GEH1040 - Exploration in Musical Production Review

GEH1040 Taken in: AY20/21 Semester 2 Lecturer: Prof Ho Chee Kong and Prof Stella Grading: Group Work 10% - Initial Presentation 5% - Progress Report 35% - Final Submission Individual Work 10% - Draft of Musical 10% - Literary Devices Assignment 10% - Musical Presentation 20% - Weekly Journal This is a module about musicals offered by YST convservatory of music, originally for (Raffles?) hall students, but opened up to external students. Classes are conducted in YST seminar room. These are "seminar-style" classes, not really like a lecture, and the class is typically quite small (19 students in my semester). The main bulk of this module is a group project, a 10-minute micro-musical done in groups of 3-4. Beside this musical project that spans most of the semester, the module itself is not very content or work heavy. The first few weeks will give an introduction to musicals while groups are being formed. Afterwards, lessons

NM2207 - Computational Media Literacy Review

NM2207 Taken in: AY20/21 Semester 2 Lecturer: Prof Lonce Wyse Grading: 15% - Tutorial Participation 15% - Midterm Quiz 20% - Final Quiz 15% - Homework Assignments 35% - Final Project Note: Classes were conducted entirely online this semester. NM2207 is an introduction to HTML, CSS, and Javascript, packaged neatly in a module that will get you familiar in 13 weeks. You will probably take this module if you're pursuing a minor in IMD, and it's generally a nice module to learn about front-end development. By the way, don't be daunted that you're learning technically three languages. These 3 go hand-in-hand so you don't normally have one without the other two. Each week, there is a tutorial session where you will gather with your classmates to tackle a coding challenge for the day, and your tutor will be there to go through with you. In place of lectures, you will be expected to watch a code-along video which teaches you the