NM2207 - Computational Media Literacy Review


Taken in: AY20/21 Semester 2

Lecturer: Prof Lonce Wyse


  • 15% - Tutorial Participation
  • 15% - Midterm Quiz
  • 20% - Final Quiz
  • 15% - Homework Assignments
  • 35% - Final Project

Note: Classes were conducted entirely online this semester.

NM2207 is an introduction to HTML, CSS, and Javascript, packaged neatly in a module that will get you familiar in 13 weeks. You will probably take this module if you're pursuing a minor in IMD, and it's generally a nice module to learn about front-end development. By the way, don't be daunted that you're learning technically three languages. These 3 go hand-in-hand so you don't normally have one without the other two.

Each week, there is a tutorial session where you will gather with your classmates to tackle a coding challenge for the day, and your tutor will be there to go through with you. In place of lectures, you will be expected to watch a code-along video which teaches you the content that will prepare you for the tutorial. After the tutorial, there is homework to be done to be submitted within the week. You'll get to make your own homepage with html to upload your homework! So fun!

There are two quizzes done on LumiNUS which basically tests you on your knowledge on the programming languages, with questions such as "What does this code snippet do" and more general questions like "What do you call this keyword and what does it do?". The final project can be anything that makes use of the things you learned in the module, and people typically make games, but you can do just about anything.

Now, this module is targeted at FASS students so it's a little easier, making it hard to fail this module. This also means it should be easy to secure a good grade if you are able to pick up on the content. The best part is, it's extremely easy to prepare for this module. You can learn the basics of HTML, CSS, and Javascript online just to get a head start during your break, or even just learning about computational thinking in general. I recommend CS50x which is offered by Harvard for free, online.

It's a difficult module, but it's really fun and teaches you useful skills. High investment high reward. Try and take it with friends and work together on the homework, and try to figure it out together. If you need help or more information, again, feel free to ask.

Expected Grade: A+
Actual Grade: A+

Also, if you take NM2207 (And this goes for any computational module) you are exempted from GET1050 so if you get this module in modreg, you can email to drop GET1050. This allows you to at least be a little more free with what GET modules you can take, though if you wanted to you could always take it to learn excel, another useful skill.


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