CH1101E - Retelling Chinese Stories: Change and Continuity Review

Taken in: AY20/21 Semester 2

Lecturer: Koh Khee Heong

Tutor: Charles Wong Kian Hoe


  • 18% Class participation
  • 12% Tutorial short response (x4)
  • 30% 35-50 minute-long presentation (20% group's overall performance, 10% individual performance)
  • 40% Individual paper (2k words)

I read many module reviews before taking this mod and they all said this was a really chill easy mod... Ok not that I totally disagree but I really didn't enjoy taking this mod much LOL. I'll have to admit that workload compared to other modules is pretty light since all you have to do is to watch two movies every week so that you can add in your own opinion during discussion but man... The movies were so boring... Idk I think I just cannot appreciate these old Chinese films :""") I'll stick to my sappy Taiwan feel-good movies thank you. Idk what I was expecting, I should've done more research before choosing to take it but oh wellz. I just know the first week I tried so hard to sit through the opera and I just... Cannot lah seriously. Because of that I ended up never watching any lecture (except for the one which my group presentation was on but even for that one I wasn't really listening properly) and just watching one film each week (and then reading the other film's Wikipedia page LOL) instead of watching both films.

Class participation has a pretty high weightage (you can see Prof Wong literally noting down every single time someone talks) so class discussion felt really stressful to me BC I HAD NOTHING TO ADD! And everyone seemed to talk so much with barely any pause in between so I found it an immense struggle to chip in and add my own comments... Fake extrovert tingz...

I enjoyed working on my presentation though. I met really good groupmates and while working on our project I attained a newfound sense of appreciation for the movies I worked on. Especially because the presentation is minimum 35 minutes and maximum 50 minutes so you know you'll have to speak for really long, come up with quite a bit of content and also prepare for the questions your classmate/the Prof will shoot you during the Q&A afterwards. 

All in all, this mod was okaaaaay, but I definitely recommend you to take it with a friend (or a few, if you can). It'll make class more bearable and you can watch the movies together before each tutorial. There are only so few mods to choose from to clear your Asian Studies requirement so if you're considering to take this, I'd say go for it, though don't expect to do well (though definitely possible, I know a friend who got A) unless you're ready to put in a lot of effort for it. Also, if you're worried about your Chinese skills, I think it's fine cause most people's Chinese seemed bad LOL but if you're good at Chinese it'll definitely give you an advantage when researching or understanding the movies and the lectures. 

Expected grade: B

Actual grade: B+ (S/Ued)

Reviewed by: M


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