NM2101 - Theories of Communications and New Media Review


Taken in: AY20/21 Semester 2

Lecturer: Prof Renyi Hong

Tutor: Prof Subhayan Mukerjee


  • 20% - Attendance and Participation
  • 10% - 4 Online Quizzes
  • 20% - 2 Application Essays (1000 words each)
  • 25% - Midterm Essays (3500 words)
  • 25% - Final Essays (3500 words)

NM2101 is basically NM1101E's tougher cousin. Many of the theories covered were already taught before in NM1101E, but personally, as compared to Prof Nat's teaching, Prof Hong's explanations of the same theories were much clearer and understandable. However, in exchange for that, the workload for this module is much higher than the NM1101E. Given that this module was conducted fully online this semester, the module had a 100% CA format, which I would argue made the mod much heavier. For an essay only worth 10%, you are expected to write 1000 words of tying a theory to a real-life media/communication phenomena, which I found really difficult - and even more frustrating since my tutor didn't give me any comments about it besides a single grade, meaning I couldn't figure out how to improve for the next few essays. (I did email him about it in the end, just before midterms LOL.) Midterms and finals were even worse, with really difficult (well, to me) questions and only 48 hours to complete them (I had other midterms ongoing within those 48 hours as well), so it was really really challenging for me. 

Prof Hong's teaching style is pretty enjoyable and I always felt engaged during his lectures, despite being jam-packed with content. Every week a new theory is introduced and oftentimes they are built upon each other, so you have to be sure to keep up with every week and do the readings before each lecture or else it is super easy to get lost. However, I didn't really enjoy tutorials as much. I was honestly quite surprised by my grade when I got it because I didn't think I had done well for my second application essay (got B+ for the first) but I guess my finals pulled me up. Altogether I think this mod is possible to score well, however you must be prepared to put in work to properly understand the theories taught. 

ZH says that "if you're thinking of taking NM1101E for fun, you should take NM2101 instead. it covers just about the same concepts but more in-depth. This module is the theory mod." but I disagree, I don't see why anyone would ever want to take this as a UE unless you're really into 'textbook' stuff like theories. If you're looking for a random CNM mod for a UE, I really don't think this is it. If you're a CNM major though, we have no choice so! Try to take it in a sem where Prof Hong is lecturing, he's great.

Expected grade: B+

Actual grade: A

Reviewed by: M


  1. Hello! Thank you for the very detailed review :) Deeply appreciate it. I have an enquiry though. Are the lectures compulsory for students to attend in real time? Or would the lectures be recorded to enable students to watch the recorded lectures on their own schedule instead? Thanks a lot!

    1. If I recall correctly, yes, Prof Renyi Hong did record his lectures. I can't say for sure if other profs might do the same, but I believe it's quite likely for a module like this.

    2. Hello! I see. Would you recommend for CNM majors to take this core mod first in Y1S2 or should I try others first? I have only taken NM1101E so far.

    3. As I was interested to take NM2101 next sem but Prof Hong isn't teaching. Instead only one prof would be facilitating this mod? His name is Jack Linchuan QIU. Hence, I was thinking if I should wait till Y2S1 to take NM2101 instead? And maybe I could do NM2104 instead since according to the other review in this blog, it is recommended for me to take NM2101 and NM2103 either both at the same time or one after another as it is heavily dependent on each other (how we need to use media theories - heavily associated to NM2101 & NM2103) Would love to hear your advice. Thanks!

    4. Hmm, based on LumiNUS information, seems like NM2101 is going to be run very differently this semester, with group projects and tests. The textbook used is also completely different but I can see some similarities with the module I took. In the previous 2 semesters under Renyi Hong, the only components were essays. There's a huge difference in structure, and I may not be able to advise as well, but if you're more confident with essays you might want to wait, otherwise if you prefer to do tests and a youtube video (group project) you can try it under Jack.

      It seems like all 3 core modules have undergone some changes. NM2104 now has more components, including a group project.

      Judging by the looks of it, I'd take NM2104 in Y1S2 as there's an increased workload, so better to clear while you're in Y1. An alternative is to wait and just take NM2103, as that's the most stable as of now (It was changed this current sem 1 and should be fixed for sem 2). There's always a risk in taking modules that have undergone changes, and with all these 3 modules containing group projects, you shouldn't take them together (unless you're really good at scheduling)

      In general, I wouldn't rush into the core modules as they're always available, so you can instead opt for the modules you want to take first. I missed my chance to take NM2103 and now the next time I can take it is probably Y3S2, lol! I also had a Y4 classmate in NM2104. For Y1S2 specifically, you can consider overloading more, or taking more risks or difficult modules, as you have more S/Us that you can't carry over into Y2.

    5. Hi Zhan Hong, thank you for the detailed response! May I also ask if you have this ebook with the title named, "Applying Communication Theory for professional life (4th ed). Sage." ? I have decided to go for NM2101 and this module requires students to purchase this textbook.

    6. Hi, I use z-lib for my resources. I think this is one such listing: https://sg1lib.org/book/5005113/62dd75

      I hope this is what you're looking for!

  2. Hello! was planning to take this module next sem and was wondering if you would be willing to share some of the notes and the types of questions asked in the quizzes? Thank you so much!!

    1. Hi there, seeing as the module will be changed (seemingly quite drastically) in the coming semester, I am not sure what much I can offer as I barely had notes given that everything was open book.
      I can answer for Prof Hong's NM2101, the quizzes are just very short and easy MCQ's to ensure you know the lecture content.
      I can share the old textbook and lecture slides. Feel free to email me at zhanhong@u.nus.edu.


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