LAB1201 - Bahasa Indonesia 1 Review


Taken in: AY21/22 Semester 2
Lecturer: Ibu Emma
Tutor: Ibu Elli

  • 15% - Participation
  • 15% - Oral Exam (Week 13)
  • 15% - Lecture Quiz
  • 15% - Written Homework (HW1, 2, and 4)
  • 10% - Cultural Knowledge Participation + HW3
  • 30% - Written Test 1 and 2

I had wanted to learn Malay, but my friend suggested I go for Indonesian instead. At a basic level, the languages have a lot of overlap. Anyway, this was a simple and lightweight module. I wish I had taken this in non-Covid semester as there was one cultural sharing activity done online which made it less interactive. In the past, it was in person which seems more engaging.

As you may expect, this is a very basic level of Bahasa, but I enjoy that I can now understand certain simple conversations, even in Malay!

The assessments aren't numerous and relatively simple... I wouldn't expect the same level of difficulty picking this up as compared to say, Japanese or Korean, considering it's easier to read the words.

Detailed Breakdown

Lectures and Tutorials

Lectures and tutorials mainly consisted of breaking out into pairs to go through the activities, such as role playing or filling in the blanks. Tutorials are relatively small in size (Mine had 6 people iirc) and lectures around 19? This may vary based on the timeslot.

The textbook used for lecture was Tata Bahasa Indonesia. You can buy it for $22 at Co-op, but most of the stuff is in the lecture slides actually, so I believe you won't miss out if you don't buy the textbook.

The textbook for tutorials is Ayo Berbahasa and is available for free online.


Each homework was like maximum 150 words. There is an essay format (Write in sentences) or dialogue format (Write a fictional dialogue scenario). It's not hard to do, and the homework format is the same as the essay parts of the written test.

Honestly I didn't notice the dialogue format and I submitted an essay instead. It was returned to me by my tutor and I only realised weeks later (COS I DON'T CHECK MICROSOFT TEAMS) so I just rewrote it and submitted it really late lol....

Lecture Quiz

These are LumiNUS Quizzes that test on lecture content. Open book, plenty of time given. You should honestly get this component fully because you can easily reference your textbook/google translate. I didn't really bother cos I was lazy so I just did the quizzes normally. If you really wanna secure the fully grade then don't do what I did!

Written Test

Half was conducted on LumiNUS Quizzes as short-answer questions. The 2nd written test introduced a listening comprehension. Honestly not that difficult because you can repeat the recording as many times as you want. The difficult part for these two was probably remembering the vocabulary for random stuff like cutlery.

I also fucked up my first written test because it was stated to last 2 hours (6 to 8pm) but the actual test end time was 7:45pm so I straight up didn't allocate my time properly... Ended up submitting half an essay.

Oral Test

Two sections: Pair dialogue and solo. You and a partner from your tutorial will first choose a topic (Randomly shuffled) and then you're given 2 mins to discuss and come up with a dialogue. After the 2 mins, you have 2 more minutes for your actual oral dialogue.

Afterwards, the solo section. You or your partner can choose to go first. Choose either a random image or topic to talk about for 2 minutes (No prep). I preferred to choose topic because it's more open ended and I was afraid I wouldn't be able to identify stuff in the image.

Never lucky cos of all the topics I could've gotten I got the ONE TOPIC I didn't study any vocabulary for. "Pakaian (Clothes)". I'll be honest when I saw the topic I was STUNNED Because I didn't even recognise the word until I racked my brain. Note for this segment we weren't given time to practice so I had to dive right into speaking for 2 mins! Yeah not my proudest moment. My partner went next, so you actually get 2 extra minutes of rest (or prep?) if you go second I guess!

Final Note

Despite all my fuck ups, I made it out ok! It's a relatively simple module which if you practice moderately, you should be fine! I enjoy knowing a little LITTLE bit of conversational Bahasa now :)

Expected grade: B+

Actual grade: A-

Reviewed by: ZH


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