Two Years In; a Reflection at the Halfway Point

Very untrue to our name, I haven't quite dropped out of this school yet. Two years, and two years left, I'd like to reflect at the halfway point.

In this post, I'll just be sharing my thoughts, what I'm grateful for, my regrets, and things I wish I knew earlier on. You don't have to read this haha this serves as a personal entry.


The friends that have stuck with me two years in have mostly been made from orientation and CCA. Orientation, both as an OGL and OGC. They're also mostly from my major or faculty. If you're looking to make friends and connections, well, these are the obvious locations to look. Oh, and sometimes Discord/Telegram chats, but those are few and far between.

On that note, I'm very glad to have joined a lot of CCAs. The first being NUS CNM Society, many of my good CNM friends were met there. I really wish we had more opportunity to do more but Covid really shafted a lot of our plans.

I also am happy to be part of the newly started Comedy Club. I hope it can continue though it's really not that well-known!! Who knows, I may become the next president, and we may plan live performances...! Just wait, guys!

Next, the NUS Skating Club and NUS Skateboarders Club, the latter of which is unofficial. Again, really friendly community and you're bound to make friends just by going for one session. I still don't skate consistently enough so I'm terrible at it, but community's what matters.

And then there's Dodgeball. I really love sports and I'm glad I sought it out on the NUS Subreddit and found the FASS team. In the few weeks I've gotten to playing the game, I think I've picked it up fairly quickly. The community is also really nice. I'm kinda salty that Volleyball Recreational team has trials and I didn't get in, but I'll try again next time.

I'm also glad I went to apply to be a FASS Ambassador. It's really just a saikang job but I love the hard work and every open house and event I've been a part of has been greatly rewarding to me. Truly, the one time I relished every drop of sweat that deposited minerals on my polo tee.


Should've overloaded much, much, more in Year 1. Jeez, I was only doing 20mc and 24mc. I was working part-time in FnB but I probably should've just focused my efforts on school, because the pay was peanuts and not like it helped my career. Still, I really love the kitchen staff. They've been very nice to me, that's the silver lining.

Also I will never take too many group projects in one sem. WTF that was insane in Y2S1 with 8 modules, with like 3 projects? That's like the hard cap.

I also think I should've applied for RC/Residences/Hall. People tell me I seem like the type to be in Hall, whatever that means!!! I probably would've had fun making more friends, not that I didn't have enough already.

Also, another regret is not taking CS minor/2nd major instead of IMD Minor. After taking some programming mods, I think I have a knack for it. Wish I knew earlier... Now I have to rush out the modules (IF I get approved for CS Minor, forget about 2nd major!)

What I want to tell myself

I think I mostly covered it in the regrets section, but I will consider going for more leadership roles next time, like in FASS Club. It feels very rewarding after my experience in other roles.

Should've taken more modules, buddy! Now I have a core module I can only take in Y3S2 or Y4!!!

Fking hell Volleyball recre so competitive to get in also haiz.

And lastly, only two years left... It's true what they say, two years very fast one...


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