LAK2201 - Korean 2 Review

Taken in: AY21/22 Semester 2

Lecturer: Park Mihi

Tutor: Euneee Ko


  • 10% Class participation
  • 25% Midterm quiz
  • 25% Final quiz
  • 10% Weekly review notes
  • 7.5% Oral recording
  • 7.5% Oral interview
  • 15% Short essay x2

If you scroll back up to past module reviews on this blog, you may have noticed one for Korean 1. I took it in Y1S1, when I was still fresh to university and eager to perform well to every module (not that I'm not like that anymore... haha... but definitely less motivated now). Every semester after taking Korean 1, I bidded for Korean 2 but eventually dropped it before ModReg ended to take a different module. This semester, I finally took it, if not only for the CLS Language Certificate of Proficiency (You get a cert after passing every 2 levels of each language taught by CLS!) 

Korean 2 has a relatively big jump in difficulty compared to Korean 1. My advice is: Don't be like me, and only take it three semesters after taking Korean 1. The best situation would be to take them two semesters in a row, so that you can retain the information you learnt from Korean 1 better. The bellcurve for Korean 2 is still pretty steep, though the jump in difficulty means that there aren't as many smurfs as you would find in Korean 1. 

Got my first B from this module, and it was entirely expected tbh. I really dropped the ball from the get go, because I kept forgetting to submit the weekly review note on time. The weekly review note is something like 习字 in primary school? Forming sentences with new vocabulary learnt every week. Helpful for putting new vocabulary and grammar learnt to use, but I just kept forgetting to submit it on time because I stopped using Notion regularly this semester to check my deadlines aha... No excuses there. Other than that I struggled quite a bit in class and during assignments - I think I scored below average for the midterm quiz, and it came as a huge reality check for me because during Korean 1 I scored 100/100 for the midterm. After that I really didn't have any motivation anymore (especially because my SEP results came out and I found out I would be going to Japan instead of Korea). I think for language modules, consistency (along with motivation) is key. 

Though I got my worst ever grade from this module, I will still say that I don't regret taking it. In particular, my tutor really made the lessons enjoyable - I highly encourage you to go for 고 선생님's classes! She was really kind, friendly and kept me engaged during lessons throughout. She's really sweet and tries to get everyone to participate actively. 

For Korean 2, we made use of Microsoft Teams for many of the assignments. So keep your notifications on (don't be like me) and remember your deadlines every week! Also I would highly recommend reaching out to a classmate or two within the first few lessons so that you have someone to ask questions to after class (not necessarily about course materials but admin stuff too!) Definitely makes the learning process more enjoyable and lets you feel less alone. 

Expected grade: B/B-

Actual grade: B

Reviewed by: M


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