NM2219 - Principles of Communication Management Review

Taken in: AY21/22 Semester 1

Lecturer: Dr Suwichit Chaidaroon

Tutor: Ho Wei Yang


  • 10% Class participation
  • 30% Online case discussion x2
  • 30% Group project
  • 30% Final project + Video presentation

Funny story, I actually didn't plan to take this module - I bidded for NM2203 (some module on social media, I think the CNM department no longer offers it) and took this as a desperate last minute decision. I had planned on taking NM3219, which requires you to take either NM2219 or NM2220 as a prerequisite. At that time, I was already set on taking NM2220 as I was more interested in journalism. Well thank god everything worked out and I ended up taking this module, as it quickly became my favourite module of the semester. Dr Sean's teaching style is a breath of fresh air, imbuing many of his lectures with interactive activities and interesting real-life examples of PR campaigns. And as always, if you've read my NM2104 review, you would know that Wei Yang is the absolute best TA ever - he's now left NUS, which is a real shame for us students... but good for him for escaping the clutches of this school!

I had a great deal of fun finishing up each assessment component. If I had to rank them, I would say that the online case discussions were probably the most stressful - only because we had to compete to get airtime to voice our opinions because there was a limited amount of time for the discussion. I didn't get to say anything in the main room during the first case discussion and I remember this caused a great deal of anxiety for me (I need that 100% for class participation...) Still, things worked out in the end because I still scored well for it anyway LOL - I'm guessing the writing component after the discussion (where you write your reflection/answer to a question about the case Dr Sean poses on LumiNUS) has a greater weightage on your grade. 

The group project entails conducting a live 'webinar' based on a CCA in NUS. You don't actually have to organise a real one, it's carried out during a tutorial where the rest of the tutorial will take part in it. Dr Sean loves interactivity, so try to include as many interactive activities as possible (without causing any disruptions to the flow of the webinar). This project wasn't too hard, and my groupmates were relatively helpful. Our webinar had some technical glitches but I'm glad it all worked out in the end.

As for the final project, we're required to do a written analysis on a PR campaign of around 1.5K words along with a ~5 minute video explaining the analysis. Dr Sean is open to any format - most people did a simple PowerPoint presentation explaining the analysis, but there were quite a few standouts who took the liberty to showcase different formats. I did mine in a form of a short skit where I roleplayed as the CEO of the company I had worked on and the public we were targeting. Generally I think he appreciates creativity so feel free to go wild, as long as you remember to cover what you should include!

All in all, an excellent module that I would recommend to any student interested in the basics of PR. This module made me more interested in the field and was really helpful later on during interviews with PR companies when I spoke about what I learnt as well. 

Expected grade: A

Actual grade: A+

Reviewed by: M


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