NM4238 - Software Studies Review
NM4238 NUSMods Link Taken in: AY22/23 Semester 2 Lecturer: Dr Taberez Neyazi Grading: 20% - Participation (in-seminar and forum posting) 20% - Individual Lead Discussion 30% - Individual Essay (Max 3000 words, week 8) 30% - Final Group Project (Designing an Inclusive Software) 20% Final Paper (Max 6000 words, reading week) 5% Week 13 Presentation 5% Peer Review This module is for discussion of software from a critical, humanities-based approach, which, I think might be much-needed in an era of tech-dominated solutions. You'll discuss software (such as AI and algorithms), and some topics could include the ethics of software in making decisions, the discourse around AI-generated art, how software shapes identity, etc. If that sounds like yo...