NM4238 - Software Studies Review


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Taken in: AY22/23 Semester 2
Lecturer: Dr Taberez Neyazi

  • 20% - Participation (in-seminar and forum posting)
  • 20% - Individual Lead Discussion
  • 30% - Individual Essay (Max 3000 words, week 8)
  • 30% - Final Group Project (Designing an Inclusive Software)
    • 20% Final Paper (Max 6000 words, reading week)
    • 5% Week 13 Presentation
    • 5% Peer Review

This module is for discussion of software from a critical, humanities-based approach, which, I think might be much-needed in an era of tech-dominated solutions. You'll discuss software (such as AI and algorithms), and some topics could include the ethics of software in making decisions, the discourse around AI-generated art, how software shapes identity, etc.

If that sounds like your cup of tea, I think you should take this module. Take note there's no coding involved, or anything technical for that matter. This is purely a critical approach to the use of software. For the final project, you have to design a software, so it helps but isn't necessary to have prototyping skills like Figma (or having taken UI/UX design modules).

Personally, I enjoyed this module, especially as a level-4000 module, because it introduced the discourse around software well, which IMO primarily helps to transition towards research or a thesis in this area. Not that I plan to do this specifically, but it may be relevant if I wish to work in the tech industry. And, I think we need to be more critical of tech and ethics of its use, so this module helps to shed light on it. It also helped that I took this with friends and made friends from the class too!

I'm not sure if the module has been taught before, but there were some lacking points. Particularly, class discussion wasn't great because (I think this could be a CNM/FASS cohort thing) people just weren't talking, and the Prof, I don't think engaged the class enough. YMMV. I also stopped doing some readings after recess week because I got tired. It's a relatively low-workload module compared to the other level-4000 modules.

Detailed Breakdown


Lead Discussion

Every week, from week 2 to 12, a few students present on one-reading each for the week's lecture. As mentioned in my other review, this is a common aspect of most level-4000 modules. You'll find that most will start to chill in class once they've done their turn haha!

This is a roughly 15min total presentation to summarise the reading and come up with discussion questions for the class to take part in. Week 2 students get a bonus in marks for being the first.

Individual Essay - Software Breakdown

For this 3000-word essay, you choose a software and analyse it with reference to week 1-6 topics and readings (must use at least 2 readings).

I chose to analyse BeReal as one of the week's topics was on authenticity and identity through software. This is quite open-ended. It is due around week 8, and you roughly begin around recess week.

Final Project - Designing an Inclusive Software

In a group, you design an inclusive software to address an issue. This project includes two interviews you need to secure on relevant people (such as professors or software engineers), and your project should also cite from some lecture readings.

You don't need to design anything concrete, but most of us opted to prototype with Figma given that we had the skills coming from other modules.

Afterwards, there's a presentation and an essay to describe the problem, the research (interview + readings), and the solution.

Final Note

I'll be happy to share my submission files if you require a reference.

Expected grade: A

Actual grade: A+

Reviewed by: ZH


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