NM4231 - Digital Media Storytelling Strategies Review


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Taken in: AY23/24 Semester 1
Lecturer: Ivan Tan

  • 20% - Participation
  • 30% - Assignment 1: Media Zine (Group)
    • 20% Group Grade
    • 10% Individual Reflection
  • 50% - Assignment 2: PSA Video (Individual)
    • 5% Pitch
    • 45% Video
    • 25% - Reflection Essay (HM only)

I took the HM variant for pre-CHS cohort, which had the additional 25% portion.

Wahahah! I'd like to admit first-off that, I wasn't planning on taking this module. I didn't do so well for the prerequisite NM3230 and thought I'd certainly swore off videography. Well, I took this because there's a new lecturer taking this course for this AY, and my friend wanted me to take with them. So, I stuck around.

I'll be frank. The difference between this and NM3230 is you'll be a little more hands-on with CNM's Camera Equipment for the projects. The projects are a little more fun and meaningful. But otherwise, it's still a lot of fluff (in my opinion) whereby the lectures break down the essentials of storytelling; how one uses elements of cinema, establishes a narrative, shows a hero's journey, etc. No hate, but it's not quite my alley. This means that lectures were pretty lightweight and some in the class just zone out. (I sat at the back. I know)

Would recommend this if you want to clear 4k's and/or enjoy being creative/videography. Undoubtedly as a project-based module there's relatively decent workload for the final video project. It's a 90-180 second video you produce entirely by yourself. Depending on the person, that may sound like a lot or a piece of cake.

This review is for the semester I took it, which had a different lecturer. Your mileage may vary when the OG lecturer (STS) comes back from sabbatical.

Detailed Breakdown


Assignment 1: Zine

For this one, you are tasked to take up to 20 photographs, as well as an optional short video, and present it as a media zine (pdf, slideshow, etc). There may be a theme imposed for the topic, but for this semester we were allowed to pick any topic. Groups were picked by this lecturer to be based on where we sat in class (so, I did mine with my friend).

The focus here, I assume, is on how you use what's been taught (both storytelling theory and camera tech) to achieve a narrative with the photos.

We chose to work on sneakers. Took some photos of people wearing sneakers, what they get from it, what it means, and how they wear them.

Forget the video. Taking the photos is as much effort as I'd like to give for this project, and as much effort as I could afford, too. We did pretty well despite our project being rushed (in like a week) so I'm thankful.

Assignment 2: PSA Video

We had to do a 90-180 second video (or videos totaling up to not more than 180s) on either of two topics: Poverty or Mental Health.

There's not much to be said here. It should showcase a well-researched, well-shot story as a PSA on the topics (with a fictional call to action on a real organisation). Fortunately, there's no need for high quality footage, but minimally ensure it's decent (no need 4K video or the like, but make sure it isn't like overexposed). Focus is on the narrative.

Make sure to start early and secure the CNM equipment loan. For both assignments, you'll pitch the idea to the lecturer before proceeding.

Mine was on poverty. I'm not too happy with my final project because I was fairly burnt out by then, but eh, whatever.

The HM variant also includes a short essay for 25% to discuss how your video can help change perspectives.

Class Participation

The last component is participation, as usual. During the seminar, there may be some occasions where you'll have to do some hands-on activities, on top of discussions. These don't happen too often though.

Final Note

I'll be happy to share my submission files if you require a reference. 

Expected grade: B+

Actual grade: A-

Reviewed by: ZH


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