NM4259 - Mobile Interaction Design Review


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Taken in: AY23/24 Semester 1
Lecturer: Dr Dennis Ang

  • 10% - Participation
  • 40% - Project 1 (Group)
    • 30% Group Grade
      • 2 x 2.5% Weekly Milestones
      • 10% Final Group Presentation
      • 15% Final Group Report
    • 10% Individual (4 x 2.5% individual reflections)
  • 50% - Project 2 (Individual)
    • 10% Initial Proposal
    • 5% Low-Fi Wireframes
    • 10% Mid-Fi prototype and Prototype evaluation report (5% each)
    • 25% High-Fi prototype (10%) and overall design documentation (15%)

I took the HM variant for pre-CHS cohort, which had the additional 25% portion. PS. Sorry for uploading this review a semester late.

This module focuses on designing for mobile interaction. The focus is on mobility (obviously smartphones, but also smart watches, using devices while you're moving, driving) and designing for such contexts, but we're most familiar with the smartphone, so the projects will mainly revolve around that.

There's no prerequisite, so it's doable for those who have no experience. For those coming from the IMD track you may already have learned some concepts from NM2213 (NM3243), CS3240, and the like. There is a huge overlap, like with Nielsen/Norman stuff which IMO is a flaw in the CNM course system.

This is a design module, so expect projects. One small group project, and one solo final project, in which you design a mobile application solution. You'll be taught basic Figma in class and are expected to use it for the solo project. You won't need to code any working application, just design a bunch of prototypes.

I have to say though, don't take this with too many other project/design modules, as it's rather time-consuming. I probably spent the most time on this module this semester. Designing interfaces is not quick, and making sure interactions work in Figma is even slower. Nonetheless, it was thoroughly fun, informative, and seems useful for this line of work. MAKE SURE TO ALLOCATE ENOUGH TIME FOR YOUR FINAL PROJECT.

This is a MUST-take for any wannabe UI/UX or IMD minors. If you want to land a UI/UX job I daresay this module is sufficient. Don't just think of this as a "Learn Figma and design a smartphone app" module. The theoretical and practical basis is important for being able to adapt to innovations, like wearable tech which we will see more of in the future.

Sorry for the late post! I usually get these out by the semester but seems like I've been procrastinating.

Detailed Breakdown

Group Project

As promised, this module is all projects. You start with the group project, in which you evaluate an existing mobile (and/or web) asset's interaction design. Our group worked on Google Docs, specifically its integration onto mobile. It's certainly not easy to write on the phone, so we found some areas to address.

You will do some surveying to find out pain points, create a pitch document for your recommendations, then propose some designs, justifications, and costings/market rates.

The individual component comes in the form of your blog post reflections, one each week.

The timeline is quite short as you'll be done with this by Week 6. It's quite fast in my opinion, the project was done in a flash. I wouldn't worry about not being able to produce something great in this short time. It does work your brain a little, giving you a hands-on approach to dealing with aspects of mobile interaction.

Individual Final Project

For the final project, you'll develop a mobile solution to a problem/use case you identify. In other words, you'll prototype a smartphone interface.

This is a hefty project. At a glance, there is a low-fidelity prototype -> user testing -> mid-fidelity prototype -> user testing -> high fidelity prototype. All that plus a writeup to document your progress.

The problem is something you can choose, but it has to be novel or interesting, I believe. For example, it's not just "design another Instagram app". You may need to have a more specific problem statement. Mine was related to public transport and tracking bus/train directions and route. You will be able to run it by the prof before proceeding.

(HM Only) Reflection

For HM students (pre-CHS, not many at this point), I was tasked to attend two LIVE design events (online but not prerecorded is OK) and reflect on them.

Final Note

I'll be happy to share my submission files.

Expected grade: A-

Actual grade: A

Reviewed by: ZH


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