NM4208 - Strategic Communication Design Review


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Taken in: AY23/24 Semester 2
Lecturer: Mr Tan Kai En

  • 5% - Participation
  • 30% - Integrated Communications Plan
  • 65% - Final Project (Individual)
    • 45% Magazine
    • 20% Website
  • 25% (HM ONLY) - Analysis and Critique Paper

I took the HM variant for pre-CHS cohort, which had the additional 25% portion.

In this module, you'll use advanced InDesign to create a 16-page magazine for your final project. You'll also be taught simple Figma and can use it (or WIX, or other site builders) to create a 5-page (or 5-section, scrollable) website. The magazine and website are both for an organisation of your choice, to achieve certain strategic goals. You will of course, start with the Integrated Communications Plan (ICP). Yes, I wrote about the assignments in backwards order. Basically, all the assignments are linked.

You can't not love Kai's classes. He's knowledgeable, cheerful, and encouraging. This module is lightweight (aside from the project); readings and theory at the beginning, and then it's more hands-on as you work on the final project.

Print may be in decline, but the demand for a good designer is still there. InDesign is a powerful tool that you'll benefit greatly from learning, and so is Figma. You can't go wrong learning these two (There'll be some rehash of Illustrator too).

Take it! It's fun and won't make you work too much, but do allocate some time for the project. The latter weeks are dedicated to your project anyway, so you have plenty of time to work on it.

Detailed Breakdown

Integrated Communications Plan (ICP)

The first part of the project for you to choose an organisation (Profit, Non-profit, Govt, Non-Govt all OK), for whom you will submit a communications plan. That's where the "Strategic" in the module's name comes in. You will describe how you will use communications (all of these: magazine, poster, social media, website) to address a certain goal (like to improve volunteers for an NGO). You'll only need to create the actual magazine and website among those strategies, which will be your final project.

Individual Final Project


This carries a heavier weightage because it's probably more difficult. You have to create a 16-page magazine for your organisation, to further the goal you set out in the ICP. 16 pages includes the cover and the back cover, so it's not too many pages.

The latter few weeks (like week 11 to 13) are all centered around consultation and critique, so all your lecture time will be focused on the project. I would personally start earlier and have something ready for consultations because Kai will give constructive feedback that you can apply (Often I find it's easy to just do exactly as he says because it's just plain good advice).

Use your guides and columns, use para/chara styles, use what was taught when he goes through advanced InDesign. Even the earlier critique exercises (where you look at older students' works) are useful to shaping your final project.


This portion is in a little tricky spot because you can use a range of website builders, including Wix, but also Figma is taught in one of the weeks, and I'd say if you came in with Figma knowledge already (perhaps from taking any of the other IMD modules) then you'll be in a far better position. So, execution-wise, it varies.

Honestly, I just went with a super simple, straightforward website that was easy to navigate (with a working navigation bar). I spent most of my time on the magazine so the website was a little less creative, but I'm sure clarity and navigability is more important.

For those newer to Figma: focus less on creating animations and cool components and spend more time on making the actual pages/sections.

The assignment requires 5 pages or 5 sections (if it's scrollable) but I honestly don't know what constitutes "enough" so I think I produced a little bit much. Anyway, this is why you should probably do the website a bit for consultation. None of us did LOL we were all busy with the magazine.

(HM Only) Analysis and Critique

For HM students (pre-CHS, not many at this point), this is a short 8-page paper to analyse an existing magazine and website (can be different organisations), and recommended you review those that are related to your organisation, because it is likely you will apply what you analysed to your own final project. This is submitted around week 8.

Final Note

I'll be happy to share my submission files.

Expected grade: A

Actual grade:

Reviewed by: ZH


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