NM2219 - Principles of Communication Management Review
Taken in: AY21/22 Semester 1 Lecturer: Dr Suwichit Chaidaroon Tutor: Ho Wei Yang Grading: 10% Class participation 30% Online case discussion x2 30% Group project 30% Final project + Video presentation Funny story, I actually didn't plan to take this module - I bidded for NM2203 (some module on social media, I think the CNM department no longer offers it) and took this as a desperate last minute decision. I had planned on taking NM3219, which requires you to take either NM2219 or NM2220 as a prerequisite. At that time, I was already set on taking NM2220 as I was more interested in journalism. Well thank god everything worked out and I ended up taking this module, as it quickly became my favourite module of the semester. Dr Sean's teaching style is a breath of fresh air, imbuing many of his lectures with interactive activities and interesting real-life examples of PR campaigns. And as always, if you've read my NM2104 review, you would know that Wei Yang is the absolute best ...