
Showing posts from June, 2022

NM2219 - Principles of Communication Management Review

Taken in: AY21/22 Semester 1 Lecturer: Dr Suwichit Chaidaroon Tutor: Ho Wei Yang Grading: 10% Class participation 30% Online case discussion x2 30% Group project 30% Final project + Video presentation Funny story, I actually didn't plan to take this module - I bidded for NM2203 (some module on social media, I think the CNM department no longer offers it) and took this as a desperate last minute decision. I had planned on taking NM3219, which requires you to take either NM2219 or NM2220 as a prerequisite. At that time, I was already set on taking NM2220 as I was more interested in journalism. Well thank god everything worked out and I ended up taking this module, as it quickly became my favourite module of the semester. Dr Sean's teaching style is a breath of fresh air, imbuing many of his lectures with interactive activities and interesting real-life examples of PR campaigns. And as always, if you've read my NM2104 review, you would know that Wei Yang is the absolute best

GES1041 - Everyday Ethics in Singapore Review

Taken in: AY21/22 Semester 1 Lecturer and tutor: Chin Chuan Fei / Daryl Ooi Grading:  20% Quiz x4 20% Journal entry x4 10% Group report 20% Group presentation 30% Finals This review is way overdue since I actually took it last semester but I have nothing but praises to sing for this module! Dr Chin has a really soothing voice (My friends and I often joked that he always sounds like he's recording a podcast) and it turns out that by chance, the other tutor for this module was my teacher from secondary school (he's now taking a PhD with NUS, not sure if he's still the tutor but he's a great teacher, definitely recommend taking a class under him!). If you can't afford (or lack) the patience to wait to bid for that one GES the whole school bids for because it's CS/CU, this is a great alternative to take. In fact I would even say that it doesn't take much to score an A for this - the concepts may seem a little obscure in the first few weeks but the examples Dr Ch

LAK2201 - Korean 2 Review

Taken in: AY21/22 Semester 2 Lecturer: Park Mihi Tutor: Euneee Ko Grading: 10% Class participation 25% Midterm quiz 25% Final quiz 10% Weekly review notes 7.5% Oral recording 7.5% Oral interview 15% Short essay x2 If you scroll back up to past module reviews on this blog, you may have noticed one for Korean 1. I took it in Y1S1, when I was still fresh to university and eager to perform well to every module (not that I'm not like that anymore... haha... but definitely less motivated now). Every semester after taking Korean 1, I bidded for Korean 2 but eventually dropped it before ModReg ended to take a different module. This semester, I finally took it, if not only for the CLS Language Certificate of Proficiency (You get a cert after passing every 2 levels of each language taught by CLS!)  Korean 2 has a relatively big jump in difficulty compared to Korean 1. My advice is: Don't be like me, and only take it three semesters after taking Korean 1. The best situation would be to ta